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A heart-warming story of employee relations

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Yesterday, @Joe Perry and I had our first face to face session with our employee relations and engagement development programme delegates and some of our network members. The delegates are all from highly unionised organisations and described what they had learnt in their action learning sets – a key part of our programme. One network member, listening to the delegates presentations about what they had learnt and how they had applied this learning, described it as “heartwarming” - not a word you normally associate with employee relations in today’s climate.

Two key messages resonated with us. They are thinking about solving problems differently, having learnt new techniques from the modules and from spending time with people in other organisations facing similar challenges. They had also applied our model of ER/IR which puts relationships and behaviours at the heart of good ER. If you develop these trusting relationships and build constructive behaviours, positive outcomes are more likely in your dialogue about change.

Big thanks to @marmare Barekati and @tom Williams for hosting and for their presentation on the future of ER and IR which gave us all plenty to think about.



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