What we do
Listen | Involve | Resolve
What we stand for
A clear and communicated modern ER strategy.
A positive ER model that does not assume conflict and disruption.
The development of highly skilled problem solving capability.
The management of sustainable change as a core skill.
How we can help
If your organisation has trade unions, we can help you develop an industrial relations strategy. We can build leadership capability to make meetings more effective and reduce the risk of disruption.
If working with your unions feels conflictual, suspicious and difficult, change is likely to be slow and can seem impossible. We can help to shift the relationship to become more constructive.
A relationship where both parties are more satisfied with the outcome.
Where good jobs are secured and the long-term outlook is positive.
If your organisation does not have unions, we can develop a strategy to genuinely engage your employees.
We can establish effective forums and galvanise employee networks.
We advocate the use of 'action teams' as a powerful way of managing change.
Now is the time for positive action. To take an alternative, modernised approach to major workplace challenges.
Organisations we have worked with