We work alongside you to develop a clear employee relations strategy that supports the delivery of your business.
Together, we can build a pragmatic and robust implementation plan.
Employee relations strategy
Strategy development and implementation
Aligned to your values and purpose, your ER strategy will enable you to manage complex change.
Using a variety of tools, we build up a picture of your current approach to IR/ER, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. In particular, we aim to deliver:
An overview of the current ER/IR climate and any barriers to change
A review of key ER structures and meetings
An assessment of the capability of your leaders, managers and employee representatives with an analysis of gaps and support required for key leaders
An assessment of the organisational approach to conflict
We will also develop a practical implementation plan to enable you to put your strategy into action.
Auditing and measurement
Measuring the effectiveness of your strategy enables your organisation to have a culture of continuous improvement in ER.
We can design and run a bespoke employee relations annual survey to help assess and identify areas for improvement.
An effective audit should be thorough but not complex. Ideally it will involve senior leaders, key managers and union/employee representatives.
A clear follow-up plan can have a dramatic impact once employees understand they are being truly heard. Planning and implementing change is subsequently highly productive.
It is these types of outcome that drive significant positive improvement to your overall business.
"Debbie is excellent at both strategy and tactics, works hard at getting the right answer and is passionate about employee relations."
Head of ER, Publishing